Employer Solutions

Human resources team being trained in online benefits tools

We offer excellent online benefit communication resources, including tools that provide up-to-date regulatory information, compensation package benchmarking, and more.

Custom Solutions

Carrier Analysis/Situation Analysis

You face many employee benefit challenges, including internal resources, time management, employee education, compliance with federal and state legislation, trend increases, pharmacy costs and increased litigation activity. This demanding environment dictates a change in the way you purchase and manage your insurance programs. In order to compete in your marketplace you must adopt a total cost of employee benefits management philosophy based on data-driven decisions and globally positioned communications. We specialize in evaluating, negotiating with, and recommending insurers and providers to our clients, and we employ rigorous selection criteria and performance objectives when considering a vendor.

Plan Implementation

Securing the best insurance package for your business begins with planning. Analyzing all your risks is critical to successful implementation of your employer group benefits. Puget Sound Benefit Services partners with you by providing ongoing assistance, consultation and service that will help you control your insurance expenses, choose the best plan to fit your company’s needs and promote health care consumerism.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis allows you to manage and reduce your claims activity. By analyzing your losses with our independent actuary and sophisticated data analysis tool, we can help you develop cost containment strategies and employee communication campaigns that will target areas with the highest potential to reduce high-dollar claims and high utilization. Available to employer groups of 100 lives or more.


Understanding the increased complexity of employee benefits is a challenge. Staying abreast of the issues you face and developing strategies to meet the constant demands of business can give you a competitive edge. Puget Sound Benefit Services’ communication programs will help you stay on top of the changes affecting the employee benefits industry.

Value Added Services

Human Resources Education, Tools and Forms

Puget Sound Benefit Services offers solutions that help meet various human resource department needs, including educational articles on important HR issues, as well as tools such as surveys, checklists, letters and forms. In addition, we will—upon request—provide a comprehensive employee handbook and help you develop policies unique to your organization.

Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

Securing the best insurance package for your business begins with planning. Analyzing all your risks is critical to successful implementation of your employer group benefits. Puget Sound Benefit Services partners with you by providing ongoing assistance, consultation and service that will help you control your insurance expenses, choose the best plan to fit your company’s needs and promote health care consumerism.

Enrollment Tools

Open enrollment can be an overwhelming time for HR departments and employees alike. Our educational materials, tools and communications can help streamline and simplify the process for your company and employees.

Employee Benefit Communications

Many employees don’t take full advantage of their benefits because they do not fully understand them. With resources provided by Puget Sound Benefit Services, employers can educate employees about benefits available to them and how to best use those benefits. Such resources include communications to employees about healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

Workplace Wellness

Puget Sound Benefit Services is committed to helping you implement workplace wellness initiatives that will reduce healthcare costs and increase employee productivity and satisfaction. We can build and customize a wellness campaign specific to your company and employee productivity and satisfaction. We can build and customize a wellness campaign specific to your company and employee needs. Through our online services, we can provide payroll stuffers, posters, employee newsletters and educational flyers on health and wellness—all designed to help you drive consumerism in your workplace.

Managing Health Care Costs

Healthcare costs are on the rise and continue to be a serious problem; Puget Sound Benefit Services assists employers in controlling such costs. Through our services, employers who elect to implement High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) which usually are tied to employee Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) will have resources and support available to them every step of the way—from design to implementation and employee education. Employee education includes informational materials that aim to promote consumerism strategies that can drive down costs by helping employees make smarter choices in how they use their healthcare benefits.

Plan Design Resources

Choosing the right plan design is vital both in terms of cost and to stay competitive with your recruiting and retention efforts. We offer a series of educational articles covering various plan design types and topics, including voluntary benefits. In addition, we provide employers with access to valuable benchmarking information which can be useful in comparing current benefit offerings to those of other employers.

Education and Training

Puget Sound Benefit Services provides exceptional service through education and training opportunities. Our employee seminars are designed to help educate employees, promote health care consumerism and reduce high claim utilization including high-dollar claim expenses. Our seminars provide an atmosphere for effective team building. Seminar topics are determined based on each employer’s needs; contents and style of presentation can also be tailored to achieve the best fit of the culture of the organization.